Alyssa P. Vanover

Doctor of Physical Therapy


“Working with Alyssa, we have found an amazing and unique therapist who has truly helped our son to thrive. She has a strong sense of what our son needs and when to push him in his sessions. She gives us excellent ideas for carrying through her work into our home. She genuinely cares about our little man and shares our excitement when he succeeds. CME is hard work. Alyssa makes it fun and meaningful, and I wish that every kiddo who needs some extra help with their gross motor skills could be on her schedule. We look forward to every session with her, and feel so lucky to have her on our team.”

“Not only is Alyssa a gifted, astute, highly-educated and intuitive physical therapist, she's kind, upbeat, warm and just plain fun to be around. My 10 year-old son Xavier has been in physical therapy since he was nine months old, and has consistently disliked it and had major meltdowns in the middle of treatment. We just thought that was part of the deal, but when Xavier recently started working with Alyssa, it's the first time he threw a fit because he DIDN'T want his therapy session to end! Alyssa's methods allow my son to experience his body and discover/improve his strength in ways he was not able to access before, and even the rare times when the going gets challenging, it's intentional and purposeful with positive, appreciable results. Alyssa VanOver is the best!” 

“My son has been under the care of Alyssa for over two years.  During the first year my son was under her care, he was also under the care of three other physical therapists.  This past year, Alyssa has been the only physical therapist providing services to my son.  Making any changes in my son’s medical care is always a difficult one, but I know my decision to work only with Alyssa was the right one for my son.  Today, my son is getting extremely close to getting into quadruped (crawl position) and to taking his first independent steps much to Alyssa’s hard work, her excellent guidance, and my son’s motivation.  

Almost every week with Alyssa is different. I have remarked to her in the past, that I appreciate that she is always trying to do new physical activities with my son. She pays attention to small details in his progress, and changes his exercises to further draw out his strengths. Alyssa is so intuitive about my son’s body and his abilities.  When I ask Alyssa a question about my son’s therapy or body, she is extremely thorough in her explanations. Yes, Alyssa provides excellent therapy services, but her thorough understanding of the body and her ability to explain things to me gives so much additional value.  Only the excellent and wise therapist, is able to thoroughly explain about your child’s body and what the therapy is doing for your child’s body.  I am not the parent looking for a warm and fuzzy from my son’s therapist. I look for results and a strong knowledge base – Alyssa delivers on both. Alyssa is absolutely wonderful!

Alyssa is a wealth of knowledge. She is so thorough in not only her approach to therapy, but also in her explanations in how best to help my son achieve his next physical goal(s). Alyssa is a blessing to our son and to our family. She also has a sweet little friendship that has developed with my son. Recently, my son was sick, so I cancelled therapy. When he found out he would not see Alyssa, he began to weep a pitiful cry. He didn’t want to miss his time with his dear friend, Miss Alyssa, as he calls her.”

Alyssa P. VanOver, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Professional Corporation